
Learn About Policies at Comprehensive MedPsych Systems

No Show/Cancellation Policy

Appointments must be cancelled at least two (2) business days prior to the scheduled appointment time. A $100 charge for no-show and late cancellation of therapy and psychiatry appointments will be applied if we are not given proper notification. A $300 charge for no-show and late cancellation will be applied for testing services.

HIPAA and Forensic Consent

April 14, 2003 marked the date that healthcare providers and others must come into compliance with HIPAA. This provides you with additional rights and creates a number of obligations on our part. The Federal government now requires us to obtain your signature that we have provided you with a HIPAA Privacy Notice. This notice explains to you how your health care information (even just your name or other identifying information) may be used.

Given that psychologists, counselors, and psychiatrists have always had a special responsibility to maintain confidentiality, Comprehensive MedPsych Systems staff have always taken this seriously. State and Federal regulations, as well as administrative rules by the Florida Department of Health and Board of Psychology, also govern how your confidential information is used or released. We also have American Psychological Association ethical guidelines we must adhere to as well.

Please note, Worker’s Compensation, Automobile Insurance, Disability matters, and other payor systems that involve or could potentially involve litigation fall under other rules and may not be bound by HIPAA. In such circumstances, you will not be asked to sign the HIPAA form but will be asked to sign the Forensic Consent Form.

Consent for Treatment or Evaluations

We cannot treat you or attempt to collect payment from any source without your signed, written consent.

Release of Information

Please note that we cannot release information without your consent except under the following circumstances in which we are bound by law:

  1. You are in imminent danger of harming yourself or someone else
  2. There is suspicion of child abuse or neglect
  3. There is suspicion of elder abuse or neglect
  4. There is suspicion of abuse or harm to a disabled individual
  5. There is suspicion of an inappropriate sexual relationship with another healthcare provider
  6. If legal action is brought which specifies mental health damages
  7. If there is a court order signed by a judge

Release of Raw Psychological Test Data

Please note that while you may have a right to most of your psychological and psychiatric file information, raw psychological test data (computer printouts, forms, scores, test protocols, test questions, or written answer sheets, etc.) cannot be released directly to you as a patient, a lawyer, or any other representative according to the legal statute: Florida Board of Psychology Rule 64B19-18.004(3). According to this statute, we can send raw data to a qualified licensed psychologist with a proper signed release form. This statute specifically restricts the release of raw test data except to a licensed psychologist, by court order or unless otherwise required by law.

Contact Comprehensive MedPsych Systems today.

Comprehensive MedPsych Systems Main Headquarters

Business Hours

Monday–Friday: 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Our self-pay rates will soon be updated. Please contact our staff for more information.